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The Great Man Within

Mar 29, 2021


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One of the traps we can fall into sexually is figuring out what we like, and then turning the fulfillment of that desire into a mechanical series of repetitive experiences.

Over time, what was once exhilarating becomes rote, dull, and mundane.

If you’re a long term relationship, you may perceive that as a failing of your partner and begin fantasizing about others as a way of bringing more diversity into your sexual experiences.

If you’re single or dating, you may be enjoying a diversity of sexual partners, but if you’re constantly leading them down the same path…you’re shortchanging yourself by failing to explore the universes of sexual pleasure available to you.

So what if you were equipped with a simple practice, a technique, or a game even…that allowed both you and your partner a simple and safe way to explore more of your desires and ask for more of what you want in the bedroom?

Well, our guest today, Lila Donnolo, is going to equip you with one such game that Bryan and I can’t wait to bring to our partners.

Who is Lila Donnolo?

  • She’s the host of the Horizontal with Lila Podcast, which was recently named by Marie Claire as one of the Top Sex Podcasts of 2021
  • She’s a sex and intimacy coach for those who long for more pleasure and desire a sexier more fulfilling romantic relationship
  • She’s a master facilitator of exercises and games – one of which you’ll learn today – to help expand sexual pleasure and deepen intimacy both in and out of the bedrooms
  • She’s expert in enthusiastic consent communication skills

In this Episode:

  • How to cultivate a treasure trove of knowledge about the sexual desires of your partner
  • Why having a sexual “ledger sheet” is a surefireway of killing sexual magnetism
  • Language you can use to build trust and deepen intimacy in and out of the bedroom
  • One killer game you can play with your partner to unlock entirely new dimensions of sexual pleasure (and to enhance the pleasures you already know you enjoy)


Lila’s Podcast:
Lila’s Website:
Lila’s Instagram:

Our interview on Lila’s Podcast:

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