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The Great Man Within

Apr 30, 2020


“We are kept from our goal, not by obstacles,

but by a clear path to a lesser goal.”

- Robert Brault, quoted by Gary Keller in The One Thing


In 1997, when Steve Jobs came back to a struggling Apple (after having been ousted from the company he formed) …


…he took Apple’s product suite from 350...

Apr 29, 2020


“Grit is passion and sustained persistence applied toward long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards or recognition along the way.”

  • Angela Duckworth


I had the honor of interviewing 14 highly successful women – most of whom had built careers in male dominated businesses – for the

Apr 28, 2020

#111: I’d like to tell you about one of my biggest failures as a leader.


I got my first big break to move from individual contributor to sales manager in 2013 while working for Prudential.


The job was intimidating and exhilarating:


At the fresh-faced age of 34, my responsibility was to lead 7 men to knock down a...

Apr 27, 2020

#110: Imagine this:

A hoity toity consulting company is interviewing all of the women in your business ecosystem.

I’m talking your colleagues, clients, bosses, direct reports, staff…

They are asked only one question:

“When you think of a male ally, who immediately comes to mind?”

Would you be one of the men they...

Apr 26, 2020


“Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”


This is a quote from Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic.”


It’s one of the most important books of my life.


It sits next to Outwitting the Devil and Man’s Search for Meaning on my bookshelf.


Speaking of magic, here...